Mondays are always hard. They're made harder when we have photos to remind us of the good times of not too long ago and of the seeming eternity of five work days that we need to endure til the next adventure. Last Friday, we were both feeling low in spirits with a "work sucks and then you die" mindset, and so this weekend relaxation was just what the doctor ordered after a long, sucky work week. The remedy: A picnic a la Trader Joes in a park shaded by quintessential California palm trees and bougainvillea flowers. An uneventful attempt to vintage shop for halloween costumes that turned into a discovery of cool new stores with labels we love. Finding Toms for $30 at Costco of all places to add to our ever growing list of his and her things. A cliche date of a dinner and a movie with Gone Girl and chicken run burgers at Native Foods. And lastly, a spontaneous, late night visit to the beach complete with star gazing and hand holding. With no real plan, we were kind of all over the place, but in the end, it all worked out just the same. Sometimes the best things in life are unplanned.